An 8 Keys of Excellence Success Story

The 8 Keys of Excellence always have been an integral and important part of SuperCamp, giving students who attend our summer programs a character foundation to follow throughout their lives. The 8 Keys also are in countless schools and school districts throughout the U.S. The results, in terms of student behavior, have been nothing short […]

April Key of the Month: Balance

  The Key of the Month is Balance—Live your best life. Be mindful of self and others while focusing on what’s meaningful and important in your life. Inner happiness and fulfillment come when your mind, body, and emotions are nurtured by the choices you make. It’s the classic story about balance—one you may have run […]

March Key of the Month: Flexibility

  The Key of the month is Flexibility: Be willing to do things differently.   Recognize what’s not working and be willing to change what you’re doing to achieve your goal! You’re working on a science project, and the cotton ball cloud parts simply will not stick to the cardboard. You glue, let it dry, […]

9 Ways SuperCamp Parents Can Help Support and Motivate Teens

By Bobbi DePorter, SuperCamp Founder For many years at SuperCamp, parents would ask us if we could start a program for them, to help them learn what their child is learning at SuperCamp. So we designed an intensive SuperCamp ‘crash course’ Parent Workshop for our SuperCamp parents to continue the positive SuperCamp experience and skills upon […]

LIVE from SuperBizCamp – part 2

Today was awesome. These young entrepreneurs were so focused on fine-tuning their presentations, practicing over and over, and writing out notecards like their lives depended on it. We worked and practiced all morning and the anticipation for the SuperBizCamp Business Plan Competition was palpable. Before lunch, each team presented to each other and voted on which […]

LIVE from SuperBizCamp! – part 1

I don’t know if it was my dashing good looks or my rave review of SuperCamp Junior Forum last week, but I got the chance to come back for the second half of SuperBizCamp and OH-MY-GOSH, IT IS AWESOME! Really, talk about a great day at work! Yes, I work for SuperCamp so you might […]

SuperCamp LMU Junior Forum Journal – Day 6

Integrity is priceless. That’s what we learned in SuperCamp this morning. We learned the Integrity Key of Excellence and that integrity means your values and action match. We did a cool activity to remember this, which was to trace our hands, then write a big ‘V’ for Value on the left palm and a big […]

SuperCamp LMU Junior Forum Journal – Day 5

Today, SuperCamp began with our Apollo Mission, which was to fashion the best aircraft you could with the allotted supplies, and then try to hit a target to earn points as a team. We had fun while learning about the Flexibility Key, teamwork, and a little bit about the Failure Leads to Success Key as […]

SuperCamp LMU Junior Forum Journal – Day 4

SuperCamp Day 4 was all about Outdoor Adventure Day!!! While SuperCamp Outdoor Adventure Day looks like just a bunch of kids having a blast, which it totally IS, it’s more about the goal setting and overcoming our fears, learning to work as a team, building trust and rapport with new people and exercising our leadership […]

SuperCamp’s 2013 Season Summer Enrichment Programs are off to a Great Start!

Campers celebrate Independence Day SuperCamp-style while gaining essential interpersonal skills SuperCamp campers celebrated Independence Day in true SuperCamp style, with afternoon activities on the lawn including three-legged races, wheel-barrow races and more. Throughout these summer enrichment programs, students engage in a variety of personal development activities, in addition to learning accelerated learning strategies. These personal […]