
Ownership Through Communication

by Bobbi DePorter We can take ownership of our lives every day, in many different ways. For example, we can demonstrate that we’re taking ownership simply by the way we communicate. Recently, I was 20 minutes late for an important meeting on the other side of town. When I arrived, I could clearly see the person […]

7 Strategies to Improve Communication with Your Teenager

“I want to be 100 percent independent, except for that whole money thing.” That’s essentially what Rachel Canning, an 18-year-old honor student, alleged in a lawsuit she filed last month against her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Canning committed the grotesque error of setting a curfew and counseling their daughter to break up with her sketchy boyfriend. Rachel […]

Communication Tools Foster Healthy Relationships: The 4-Part Apology

This month’s Key, Integrity, is closely related to how we communicate with each other and how we show up in relationships. Communication skills are essential in fostering healthy relationships, and having the right tools at our disposal leads to better relationships and more success in life. Mistakes are inevitable. We ALL know that Failure Leads […]