SuperCamp Image: Ownership Key Response-Ability Poster

We started day #3 at SuperCamp by learning the “Ownership Key.”

OWNERSHIP – Take responsibility for actions
Be responsible for your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. “Own” the choices you make and the results that follow.

This means not just being responsible for the things we must be (chores, school, etc.) but taking responsibility for those things we don’t. That is making the choice to take ownership of doing what needs to be done. I love a poster they had to go along with this idea. It was just two words but they say it all: Response-Ability!

SuperCamp Image: Quantum Strategies Class - Mind Mapping

Then we went into our academic skills sessions, starting with learning Mind-mapping. Mind-mapping was pretty neat and the students really ‘got it’ quickly. It is so interesting to learn more about how our brains work and to learn and study in ways that are easy and natural for us. I hope these kids go back to school this fall feeling more confident in their abilities to be great students.

SuperCamp Image: Quantum Strategies Class

Next I was in SuperCamp Quantum Strategies with Facilitator Lucy. I loved her intro to this session because it is SO true! She said this class was all about “how to play the game called school [or work or life…] and WIN!”  So, we learned how to use a planner effectively and consistently to keep track of assignments and activities so we know how to be prepared to be successful. The students have the assignment to make sure to get a planner they like and can use consistently when they get home from SuperCamp. I need to do the same!

Then we learned Notes TM. Lucy taught us that we speak in 200-400 words per minute but our brains can process 600-800 words per minute, so if we learn how to take notes effectively, we can rely on our brains and capture tons of great information.

So, here’s the how you take notes with Notes TM:

Start by dividing your paper into halves, with “Notes Taking” (which comes from the Teacher) on the left, and “Making” (which comes from you) on the right. Then you list the corresponding information under each side, like so:

SuperCamp Image: Quantum Strategies NotesTM

Next we talked about simple ways to make studying more effective, such as:

After dinner, we had a great session called our ‘Trust Sequence’ where we did paired trust falls and the ‘zipper.’ This was part of setting the stage for our SuperCamp Outdoor Adventure Day by learning to communicate and build confidence and trust in their team.

I didn’t realize that summer academic enrichment programs like this even existed! Wish I’d been able to go as a kid. It would have been great college prep indeed…